FAQs for Grant WRITERS
Frequently Asked Questions
How do we decide which programs to write into our Grant?
ANSWER. We offer 5 national programs that are well-regarded and research-based. Some programs have asynchronous options to allow for self-paced and self-directed learning. Several are targeted for faculty to change instructional methods (CTL and STEM X) while others are appropriate for staff learning (Conocimientos, CRF and MTS). Read about which program(s) are a good fit for you and your colleagues.
Learn more about each program by visiting the links below.
ANSWER. First, figure out how many people you'd like to send each year of the grant. Check out the model at the bottom of this webpage (Scroll below) for a sample 5 year guide. We highly recommend that you start with a smaller group the first year (5-8 people at a time in perhaps one or two courses), made up of your faculty and staff leaders and biggest equity advocates such as your DEI office and HSI teams. Once these leaders complete our course/program, use your first year’s alumni to recruit for a wider audience Years 2-5 by asking them to present about their experience at faculty convocation, department meetings, etc.
After 2 or 3 years of sending faculty and staff to our programs, gather your alumni and begin thinking about creating an in-house PD program (like this one) or create an assessment to determine impact. This is a good time for an on campus keynote or workshop, where we collaborate with your alumni to create a powerful, co-facilitated experience!
Typically HSIs see institutional shifts when they have at least 50 people who have completed our programs. At that stage there are significant numbers of ESCALA alumni who are chairs, deans, and have positions on committees and can start making policy decisions differently to serve Latinx students.
What if WE WANT a Custom program for our campus?
ANSWER. We offer a limited set of offerings for on-campus programs. See our 2025 Campus Programming page for current listings of keynotes, workshops and prices.
who should i contact if i HAVE MORE QUESTIONS?
ANSWER. If you considering writing ESCALA into a grant proposal and have more questions, please send an email to inquiries.escala@gmail.com with your additional questions. We also have a two-session Strategic Coaching option that we advise you to purchase if if your grant will have a substantial portion dedicated to our professional development and you need significant time with us. Strategic Coaching is included in Institutional Membership.