Moving Towards Serving teams program
For teams of HSI practitioners (staff, faculty, admin and students)
Designed for diverse teams who want to create a gameplan for 'servingness' and learn how to work together more equitably together.
Registration Fee*
$30,000 per HSI Team of 15. Team size is limited to up to 20 participants.
* Fee includes lunch each day and materials but not lodging or travel.
Upcoming Locations
Chicago, IL (Sept 25-27, 2025) *we have switched to a fall annual course.
Fill out the MTS Interest form to set up a meeting
and hear about this unique program!
Components of the MTS Program
The program launches with a 17-hour in-person retreat where team members learn and discuss how to become more intentional agents of change, utilize Latinx-centered communication models, and recognize and disrupt the de-centering of Latinx students.
During the next month, ESCALA facilitators will hold a follow-up 'coaching' session with your teams via Zoom. In this session, we will check in and provide support on the plan your team developed at retreat, and continue to model equity in the work.
Six weeks after retreat, teams will gather again on Zoom to present a summary of their learning in the program, and where they are headed. We ask your team to demonstrate their commitment to actions and activities that will move the campus towards serving Latinx students.
This program is designed for teams of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) practitioners who are working collectively on campus-wide efforts to improve Latinx student experiences and academic outcomes. The program brings awareness to the hidden ways that White Institutional Presence in HSIs continues to uphold inequities for Latinx students.
While participating in the program, teams of practitioners will explore ways to disrupt the status quo at their institutions to better serve Latinx students and improve their academic outcomes.
As a result of the program, teams will be better equipped to:
Diversify and equitize HSI work to feature voices that have been silenced, broaden participation in HSI efforts, and reduce ‘siloing’ of HSI initiatives.
Analyze meeting spaces, institutional policies and current practices for White Institutional Presence (WIP), and disrupt these to implement practices that better serve the Latinx community.
Facilitate conversations with campus community members about the social-historical and racialized context of their HSI and the importance of centering Latinx student experiences.
3 day retreat Learning Goals
During the MTS retreat participants will:
Experience models for ‘holding space’ to facilitate discussions about race, power and privilege in HSIs.
Become aware of the team’s current intercultural competence and how to progress collectively.
Understand the importance of including the missing narratives and histories of Latinx people in HSI work.
Analyze institutional data with a critical, Latinx-centered lens.
past MTS Programs and Locations
Winter 2023
Pueblo, Colorado
Feb 9-11, 2023
Fall 2023
San Antonio, TX
September 28-30, 2023
Fall 2023
Pasco, Washington
November 2-4, 2023
Winter 2024
El Centro, California
Feb 8-10, 2024
Fall 2024
San Jose, California
Sept 26-28, 2024